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时间:2021-08-31 17:04 来源: 浏览次
姓名 吕磊 性别
民族 出生年月 1985.4
学历 博士 职称 副教授
导师信息 硕士研究生导师 职务 系副主任
党派 中共党员 固话
传真 手机
学科一 信息与通信工程 学科二
邮箱 个人主页
所在院系 信息科学与工程学院 研究方向 三维测量,3D打印,三维模型处理
通信地址 郑州市高新区莲花街河南工业大学信息学院





研究方向为三维测量,3D打印,三维模型处理,Optics Express、Optical and Lasers in Engineering等多个学术期刊审稿人。主讲《单片机原理及应用》、《DSP应用》等课程。主持国家自然科学基金、河南省科技攻关项目、企业委托项目多项,发表SCI论文20余篇,授权发明专利3项。



1.Lei Lu, Vignesh Suresh, Yi Zheng, Yajun Wang, Jiangtao Xi and Beiwen Li, "Motion induced error reduction methods for phase shifting profilometry: A review," Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 141, 106573, 2021

2.Yifan Wei, Lei Lu*, jiangtao Xi, Yongkai Yin, Yanguang Yu, Jun tong and Qinghua Guo, "3D shape measurement of shiny surfaces based on optimized combination of fringe patterns of different intensity," Measurement Science and Technology, 32(3), 035203, 2021.

3.Lei Lu, Zhaoyi Jia, Wei Pan, Qinghui Zhang, Mengya Zhang and Jiangtao Xi, “Automated reconstruction of multiple objects with individual movement based on PSP,” Optics Express, 28(19), 28600-28611, 2020.

4.Zhilong Su, Lei Lu, Fujun Yang, Xiaoyuan He, and Dongsheng Zhang, “Geometry constrained correlation adjustment for stereo reconstruction in 3D optical deformation measurements,” Optics Express 28(8), 12219-12232, 2020


6.Lei Lu, Zhaoyi Jia, Yinsen Luan, Jiangtao Xi, “Reconstruction of isolated moving objects with high 3D frame rate based on phase shifting profilometry”, Optics Communications, 438, 61-66, 2019

7.Lei Lu, Yongkai Yin, Zhilong Su, Xiaozhen Ren, Yinsen Luan and Jiangtao Xi, “General model for phase shifting profilometry with an object in motion”, Applied Optics, 57(36), 10364-10369, 2018

8.Lei Lu, Yi Ding, Yinsen Luan, Yongkai Yin, Qiong Liu, Jiangtao Xi, “Automated approach for the surface profile measurement of moving objects based on PSP”, Optics Express, 25(25), 32120-32131, 2017.

9.Lei Lu, Jiangtao Xi, Yanguang Yu and Qinghua Guo, “New approach to improve the accuracy of 3-D shape measurement of moving object using phase shifting profilometry,” Optics Express 21(25), 30610-30622, 2013

10.Lei Lu, Jiangtao Xi, Yanguang Yu and Qinghua Guo, “Improving the accuracy performance of phase shifting profilometry for the measurement of objects in motion,” Optics Letters 39(23), 6715-6718, 2014

11.Lei Lu, Jiangtao Xi, Yanguang Yu, Qinghua Guo, Yongkai Yin and Limei Song, “A novel shadow removal method for phase-shifting profilometry,” Applied Optics 54(19), 6059-6064, 2015

12.Lei Lu, Jiangtao Xi, Yanguang Yu and Qinghua Guo, “New approach to improve the performance of fringe pattern profilometry using multiple triangular patterns for the measurement of objects in motion,” Optical Engineering 53(11), 112211, 2014

13.Chen Zhuo, Lu Lei, Zhao Yulin, "Creation and validation of three-dimensional printed models for basic nasal endoscopic training," International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology 55, 46-53, 2019

14.Zhilong Su, Lei Lu, Shuai Dong, Fujun Yang, and Xiaoyuan He, "Auto-calibration and real-time external parameter correction for stereo digital image correlation," Optics and Lasers in Engineering 121, 46-53, 2019








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