




4.中国粮油学会科学技术二等奖“基于光电探测的储粮隐蔽性害虫早期检测技术及应用(ly-cg-2022-)”,樊 超

5.中国粮油学会科学技术二等奖“粮食供应需求预测建模技术及储备决策系统研究(ly-cg-2019-201)”,樊 超

6.河南省科技进步奖三等奖“永磁同步电机非线性自适应解耦控制系统研究(2013-J-169-D01/01)”,刘 刚



1. 国家自然科学基金“车联网中V2V/V2R混合通信模式下网络容量分析与优化(62172141)”,杨卫东

2. 国家自然科学基金“基于博弈论的车联网位置隐私保护理论和方法研究(61772173)”,杨卫东

3. 国家自然科学基金“车载自组织网络数据安全聚合机理与方法研究(61202099)”,杨卫东

4. 国家重点研发计划项目“政策性粮食信息服务云平台构建技术研究与示范(2017YFD0401001-02)”,杨卫东

5. 国家自然科学基金“判别型鲁棒宽度学习系统建模及优化研究(62106068)”,金军委

6. 国家自然科学基金“基于非凸正则化的多视角无监督特征选择方法研究(62106067)”,苗建雨

7. 国家自然科学基金“基于信息粒的分布式树形分层分类算法研究(62006071)”,母亚双

8. 国家自然科学基金“基于多尺度形态结构化稀疏表征的序列图像压缩感知重建方法研究(62006072)”,费选

9. 国家自然科学基金“基于结构稀疏的多角度层析SAR三维重建模型与处理方法(U1904120)”,任笑真




13.国家自然科学基金“永磁同步电机非线性自适应逆解耦控制系统研究(61174056)”,刘 刚




1. 国家粮食与物资储备局项目“粮食安全信息化保障体系与技术研究(201413001)”,杨铁军

2. 国家标准计划(修订)项目“粮油储藏 粮情测控系统第 3 部分:软件(20211702-T-449 )”,祝玉华

3. 河南省科技攻关项目“向复杂路面的车道线智能检测方法研究(222102210309)”,樊 超

4. 河南省科技攻关项目“面向遥感影像城市覆盖分类的多尺度多特征深度学习算法研究(222102210108)”,费 选

5. 河南省科技攻关项目“基于鲁棒宽度学习系统的无人仿生集群智能分群策略研究(222102210058)”,金军委

6. 河南省科技攻关项目“基于k相干因子和高回声桥信号的超声成像方法研究(222102310058 )”,娄翠娟

7. 河南省科技研发计划联合基金“基于太赫兹成像技术的小麦不完善粒快速识别方法研究(222103810072 )”,蒋玉英

8. 河南省科技研发计划联合基金“融合RGBD图像信息的域自适应道路场景语义分割方法(222103810042 )”,张自豪

9. 河南省科技攻关项目“面向粮食害虫感知的小目标视觉显著性检测(212102210152)”,于俊伟






15.河南省科技攻关项目“融合局部视觉信息的仓储害虫深度特征提取与识别研究(182102210092)”,费 选



18.河南省科技攻关项目“小麦籽粒隐蔽性害虫的激光超声早期检测方法研究(162300410062)”,樊 超



21.河南省科技攻关项目“河南省粮食产量预测模型研究及数字化平台开发(162102210198)”,樊 超


23.河南省科技攻关项目“粮情跟踪识别信息采集系统基础平台研究与构建(52102110075)”,刘 刚

24.河南省科技攻关项目“基于图像处理技术的小麦收购质量快速检测设备研究与开发(142102110122)”,刘 刚









6.“一种多车道线识别方法及装置(201910647445.1)”,樊 超







13.“利用太赫兹成像无损检测小麦中脂肪酸含量的方法(CN201810047145.5)” ,蒋玉英


15.“基于太赫兹光谱和图像信息融合的麦芽糖混合物定量分析方法(CN201711377485.6)” ,蒋玉英

16.“一种水果的流变参数检测方法及系统(CN2017112157996)”,樊 超


18.“一种粮食虫蚀粒早期检测方法及装置(CN201710209464.7)”,樊 超





23.“一种粮食消费量预测方法(201510715733.8)”,樊 超

24.“复杂路况下的车道线特征点提取分发与装置(2012102079983)”,樊 超

25.“一种粮食籽粒不完善度检测方法(201410787034.X)”,樊 超

26.“粮食籽粒称重传感器和粮食籽粒千粒重检测装置及方法(201310187390.3)”,樊 超

27.“复杂路况的车道线特征提取、识别方法(201110441691.5)”,樊 超

28.“基于激光超声溶蚀机制的粮食品质检测系统及方法(201110008029.0)”,樊 超



1.杨卫东, Temperature forecasting for stored grain: A deep spatio-temporal attention approach, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, SCI

2.杨卫东, A privacy-preserving aggregation scheme based on negative survey for vehicle fuel consumption data. Information Sciences, SCI

3.母亚双,Information granulation-based fuzzy partition in decision tree, Information Sciences, SCI

4.吴瑞琪,A Developmental Evolutionary Learning Framework for Robotic Chinese Stroke Writing, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, SCI

5.金军委,Pattern Classification with Corrupted Labeling via Robust Broad Learning System, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, SCI

6.金军委,Regularized Discriminative Broad Learning System for Image Classification, Knowledge-Based Systems, SCI

7.胡 毅,A two-archive model based evolutionary algorithm for multimodal multi-objective optimization problems, Applied Soft Computing, SCI

8.杨铁军,An effective detection method for wheat mold based on ultra weak luminescence, Scientific Reports, SCI

9.杨铁军,Graformer DIR: Graph convolution transformer for deformable image registration, Computers in Biology and Medicine, SCI

10.杨铁军,TransDIR: Deformable imaging registration network based on transformer to improve the feature extraction ability, Medical Physics, SCI

11.杨铁军,DAU‐Net: An unsupervised 3D brain MRI registration model with dual‐attention mechanism, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, SCI

12.樊 超,U Patch GAN: A Medical Image Fusion Method Based on GAN., Journal of Digital Imaging, SCI

13.樊 超,Res-attention net: an unsupervised PET - MRI brain image fusion model, Multimedia Tools and Applications, SCI

14.樊 超,DFE-Net: Dual-branch feature extraction network for Enhanced segmentation in skin lesion , Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, SCI

15.樊 超,Lane Detection Based on Multi-Frame Image Input International, Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, SCI

16.刘伍丰,Automatic lung segmentation in chest X-ray images using improved U-Net, Scientific Reports, SCI

17.刘伍丰,A hybrid attention-enhanced DenseNet neural network model based on improved U-Net for rice leaf disease identification, Frontiers in Plant Science, SCI

18.任笑真,Fast Teraherertz imaging model based on group sparsely and n on local self-similarity, Micromachines, SCI

19.蒋玉英,Identification of Unsound Grains in Wheat Using Deep Learning and Terahertz Spectral Imaging Technology, Agronomy, SCI

20.蒋玉英,Adaptive compressed sensing algorithm for terahertz spectral image reconstruction based on residual learning, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, SCI

21.苗建雨,Self-paced non-convex regularized analysis–synthesis dictionary learning for unsupervised feature selection, Knowledge-Based Systems

22.靳小波,Sparse matrix factorization with L21 norm for matrix completion, Pattern Recognition, SCI

23.张自豪,Disparity refinement based on least square support vector machine for stereo matching Signal, Image and Video Processing, SCI

24.杨铁军, RA-SIFA: Unsupervised domain adaptation multi-modality cardiac segmentation network combining parallel attention module and residual attention unit, Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, SCI

25.金军委, Discriminative group-sparsity constrained broad learning system for visual recognition, Information Sciences, SCI

26.任笑真, Hybrid sparsity model for fast terahertz imaging, Micromachines, SCI

27.苗建雨, Towards compact broad learning system by combining convex group and non-convex individual sparsity, International Journal Of Information Technology And Decision Making, SCI

28.李雪峰, Privacy measurement method using a graph structure on online social networks, Etri Journal, SCI

29.苗建雨, Graph regularized locally linear embedding for unsupervisedfeature selection, Pattern Recognition, SCI

30.吴瑞琪, A developmental evolutionary learning framework for robotic chinese stroke writing, IEEE Transactions On Cognitive And Developmental Systems, SCI

31.母亚双, Experimental study and comparison of imbalance ensemble classifiers with dynamic selection strategy, Entropy, SCI

32.苗建雨, Unsupervised Feature Selection by Non-convex Regularized Self-representation Expert Systems With Applications, SCI

33.任笑真, Spatial domain terahertz image reconstruction based on dual sparsity constraints, Sensors, SCI

34.杨铁军, Sparse angle CT reconstruction with weighted dictionary learning algorithm based on adaptive group-sparsity regularization Journal Of X-Ray Science And Technology, SCI

35.娄翠娟, Ultrasound planar array imaging metric analysis, IEEE Transactions On Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics And Frequency Control, SCI

36.蒋玉英, Quantitative analysis of wheat maltose by combined terahertz spectroscopy and imaging based on Boosting ensemble learning, Food Chemistry, SCI

37.杨铁军, Non-rigid medical image registration using multi-scale residual deep fully convolutional networks, Journal Of Instrumentation, SCI

38.杨铁军, Comparative assessments between conventional and promising technologies for wheat aging or mold detection, Cereal Research Communications, SCI

39.任笑真, Bayesian compressive sensing for synthetic aperture radar tomography imaging, Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. , SCI

40.杨铁军, Integrating ultra weak luminescence properties and multi-scale permutation entropy algorithm to analyze freshness degree of wheat kernel, Optik, SCI

41.母亚双, Dynamic programming based fuzzy partition in fuzzy decision tree induction, Journal Of Intelligent &Amp; Fuzzy Systems, SCI

42.蒋玉英, Determination of postassium sorbate and sorbic acid in agricultural products using THz time-domain spectroscopy, Chinese Physics B, SCI

43.杨铁军, SUD-GAN: deep convolution generative adversarial network combined with short connection and dense block for retinal vessel segmentation, Journal Of Digital Imaging, SCI

44.史卫亚, The research and development of cancer pathology based on the mutual regulatory mechanism of LncRNA, CircRNA and miRNA, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, SCI

45.母亚双, A parallel fuzzy rule-base based decision tree in the framework of map-reduce, Pattern Recognition, SCI

46.母亚双, iPseU-Layer: identifying RNA pseudouridine sites using layered ensemble model, Interdisciplinary Sciences--Computational Life Sciences, SCI

47.徐振强, TPSense-a framework for event-report trustworthiness evaluation in privacy-preserving vehicular crowdsensing systems, Journal Of Signal Processing Systems, SCI

48.杨铁军, DCU-Net: Multi-scale U-Net for brain tumor segmentation Journal Of X-Ray, Science And Technology, SCI

49.杨铁军, Improving brain tumor segmentation on MRI based on the deep U-net and residual units, Journal Of X-Ray Science And Technology, SCI

50.费 选, View's dependency and low-rank background guided compressive sensing for multi-view image joint reconstruction, Iet Image Processing, SCI

51.樊 超, Forecasting the chinese grain yield using hybrid ARIMA and error-corrected grey model base on the wavelet transform, The Journal Of Grey System, SCI

52.苗建雨, Joint Sparse Regularization for Dictionary Learning, Cognitive Computation, SCI

53.蒋玉英, Quantitative analysis of wheat maltose by combined terahertz spectroscopy and imaging based on Boosting ensemble learning, Food Chemistry, SCI

54.樊 超, Numerical simulation of infected grain detection based on laser ultrasoni technique, Ukrainian Journal Of Physical Optics, SCI

55.杨铁军, Nonrigid registration of medical image based on adaptive local structure tensor and normalized mutual information, Journal Of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, SCI

56.蒋玉英, Detection of foreign bodies in grain with terahertz reflection imaging, Optik, SCI

57.母亚双, A parallel tree node splitting criterion for fuzzy decision trees, Concurrency And Computation-Practice & Experience, SCI

58.杨铁军, A deep learning model integrating SK-TPCNN and random forests for brain tumor segmentation in MRI, Biocybernetics And Biomedical Engineering, SCI

59.任笑真, Tomography synthetic aperture radar imaging based on extended block orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm, Journal Of Applied Remote Sensing, SCI

60.史卫亚, iterative kernel principal component for large-scale data set, Journal Of Testing And Evaluation, SCI

61.樊 超, Measurements of image shifts using an edge-extracted joint transform correlator, Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. , SCI

62.史卫亚, Principal component analysis based on marginal density ratios, Journal Of Testing And Evaluation, SCI

63.费 选, Adaptive PCA transforms with geometric morphological grouping for image noise removal, Multimedia Tools And Applications, SCI

64.樊 超, Influence of noise on the accuracy of measuring image shifts based on optical correlator, Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. , SCI

65.高 山, Leveraging multiactions to improve medical personalized ranking for collaborative filtering, Journal Of Healthcare Engineering, SCI

66.樊 超, Detection of wheat hardness based on a laser-generated ultrasonic signal, Ukrainian Journal Of Physical Optics, SCI

67.樊 超, Measurement of sub-pixel image shifts based on a hybrid photoelectric joint transform correlator, Journal Of Optical Technology, SCI

68.樊 超, Design of compact joint transform correlator, Ukrainian Journal Of Physical Optics, SCI

69.樊 超, Research on the influence of the velocity–height ratio of the remote sensing camera on the image quality, Journal Of Optical Technology, SCI

70.杨铁军, A forcasting model for feed grain demand based on combined dynamic model computational, Intelligence And Neuroscience, SCI

71.任笑真, A novel strategy for inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging based on improved compressive sensing, IEEj Transactions On Electrical And Electronic Engineering, SCI

72.史卫亚, Efficient detection of internal infestation in wheat based on biophotonics, Journal Of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology, SCI

73.马 丁, Cost-efficient allocation of additional resources for the service placement problem in next-generation Internet, Mathematical Problems In Engineering, SCI

74.樊 超, Early discriminant method of infected kernel based on the erosion effects of laser ultrasonics, Laser Phys , SCI

75.樊 超, Lane detection based on gradient-enhancing conversion, Journal Of Computational Information Systems, SCI

76.樊 超, Research on grain yield forecasting system based on grey model Cess, SCI

77.任笑真, A novel 3D imaging method for airborne downward-looking sparse array SAR based on special squint Model , International Journal Of Antennas And Propagation, SCI

78.任笑真, An algorithm for inverse synthetic aperture imaging lidar based on sparse signal representation, Laser Physics, SCI

79.任笑真, Four-dimensional SAR imaging algorithm using bayesian compressive sensing, Journal Of Electromagnetic Waves And Applications, SCI

80.樊 超, Measurement method of the grain quantity based on the ground pressure, Telkomnika Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering, SCI

81.任笑真, 3D imaging algorithm for down-looking MIMO array SAR based on bayesian compressive sensing, International Journal Of Antennas And Propagation, SCI

82.樊 超, Research on a measurement method for wheat hardness based on the erosion effects of laser ultrasonics, Laser Physics, SCI

83.任笑真, A three-dimensional imaging algorithm for tomography SAR based on improved interpolated array transform, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, SCI

84.任笑真, A new three-dimensional imaging algorithm for airborne forward-looking SAR, IEEE Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters, SCI

85.杨卫东,一种基于CSI的储粮害虫检测方法, 物联网学报

86.马 丁,基于离散粒子群优化的多目标服务路径构建算法,通信学报

87.樊 超,联合变换相关法测量空间相机像移的抗噪性研究,宇航学报

88.樊 超,光学相关法测量空间相机像移的性能研究,光学学报

89.樊 超,离焦对光学相关法测量空间相机像移精度的影响,光学学报

90.樊 超,联合变换相关法测量空间相机像移的抗噪性研究,宇航学报

91.樊 超,离焦对光学相关法测量空间相机像移精度的影响,光学学报


93.马 丁,可重构信息通信基础网络端到端模型的研究与探索,计算机科学

94.高 山,一种融合多种用户行为的协同过滤推荐算法,计算机科学


