1300: HEX

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评测方式:文本比较 命题人:
提交:26 解决:9


On a plain of hexagonal grid, we define a step as one move from the current grid to the lower/lower-left/lower-right grid. For example, we can move from (1,1) to (2,1), (2,2) or (3,2).

In the following graph we give a demonstrate of how this coordinate system works.

Your task is to calculate how many possible ways can you get to grid(A,B) from gird(1,1), where A and B represent the grid is on the B-th position of the A-th line.


For each test case, two integers A (1<=A<=100000) and B (1<=B<=A) are given in a line, process till the end of file, the number of test cases is around 1200.


For each case output one integer in a line, the number of ways to get to the destination MOD 1000000007.


1 1 3 2 100000 100000


1 3 1